Low-calorie breakfast recipe for 1 people, takes only 5 mins; recipe has wholemeal bread, cream cheese, rapeseed oil, mushrooms, skimmed milk, wholegrain mustard, chive and orange juice.

Creamy mustard mushrooms on toast with a glass of juice
Course: Low-calorie breakfast
Prep time
5 mins
- Chive: 1 tbsp snipped chives
- Wholemeal Bread: 1 slice wholemeal bread
- Rapeseed Oil: 1 tsp rapeseed oil
- Wholegrain Mustard: 1/4 tsp wholegrain mustard
- Skimmed Milk: 2 tbsp skimmed milk
- Cream Cheese: 1 1/2 tbsp light cream cheese
- Mushrooms: 3 handfuls sliced, small flat mushrooms
- Orange Juice: 150ml orange juice freshly squeezed or from a carton
- Toast the bread, then spread with a little of the cheese (don't use butter).
- Meanwhile, heat the oil in a non-stick pan and cook the mushrooms, stirring frequently, until softened. Spoon in the milk, remaining cheese and the mustard. Stir well until coated. Tip onto the toast, top with chives and serve with the juice.