Jam recipe for 4 - 8 people, takes only 50 mins; recipe has damson, golden granulated sugar and butter.

Damson jam
Course: Jam
4 - 8
Prep time
10 mins
- Butter: knob of butter
- Golden Granulated Sugar: 900g golden granulated sugar
- Damson: 900g damsons, stalks removed
- Wash your jars and lids in hot, soapy water, rinse, then place on abaking trayand put in a low oven for 10 mins or until completely dry. If you want to use rubber seals, remove the seals and cover in just-boiled water. Make sure you sterilise any funnels, ladles or spoons you're going to be using too.
- Put the fruit into a jam pan or a large, wide, heavy-based saucepan. Leave the stones in (see tip below). Add 150ml water and bring to the boil. Put a couple of saucers in the freezer. Lower the heat and simmer for 15 mins or until the fruit is soft.
- Tip in the sugar and stir over a very low heat until the sugar has completely dissolved, up to 10 mins. This step is vital - if you don't dissolve the sugar, the bottom of the pan may catch and burn. Raise the heat, bring to a full rolling boil, then rapidly boil for 10 minutes. Don't stir until the setting point of 105C is reached. If you don't have a thermometer, test the jam by spooning a little onto a cold saucer. Wait a few seconds, then push the jam with your fingertip. If it wrinkles, the jam is ready. If not, cook for a few mins more and test again, with another cold saucer. Once you have reached 105C or setting point, stir the jam thoroughly.
- Remove from the heat, skim off any excess scum, then stir a knob of butter into the surface (this helps to dissolve any remaining scum). Leave for about 15 mins so the fruit can settle - if you decant the jam too soon, all the fruit will sink to the bottom. Pour into sterilised jars, label and seal.