Coconut & pineapple cooler

Family camping recipe for 4 - 8 people, takes only 20 mins; recipe has coconut rum, pineapple juice, gin, watermelon, coriander sprigs, jam jars and ice bucket.

Coconut & pineapple cooler

Coconut & pineapple cooler

Recipe by Chef Soomro Course: Family camping

4 - 8

Prep time

15 mins


  • Gin: 150ml gin
  • Watermelon: 6 small chunks watermelon
  • Pineapple Juice: 600ml pineapple juice (not from concentrate)
  • Coconut Rum: 300ml coconut rum
  • Coriander Sprigs: 12 coriander sprigs
  • Jam Jars: 6 x 324ml screw-top jam jars with lids
  • Ice Bucket: ice bucket filled with ice


  1. Put 50ml coconut rum, 100ml pineapple juice, 25ml gin and 50ml cold water into each jam jar.
  2. Stir, then garnish each one with a piece of watermelon and a couple of coriander sprigs, squeezing the leaves a little bit first before dropping them into the jars to help release the flavour. Screw on the lids and chill or set in ice buckets until needed - they will keep well for 4-6 hrs.