Rum cocktail recipe for 4 - 8 people, takes only 20 mins; recipe has raspberry, ice cube, lime, lemon juice, rum and lime.
Berry daiquiri
Course: Rum cocktail
4 - 8
Prep time
10 mins
- Lime: juice of 1/2 lime
- Lemon Juice: 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Raspberry: 175g ripe strawberries or 200g/8oz raspberries (or use a mix of 100g/4oz strawberries and 100g/4oz raspberries)
- Ice Cube: about 6 ice cubes
- Rum: 100ml white rum
- If using raspberries, blend these first to a puree then rub through a sieve to extract the pips. Put a handful of ice cubes in a powerful blender and crush. Add the berries or pulp, plus the lime and lemon juice and rum. Whizz again and pour into a chilled cocktail glass straight away. Decorate with a lime slice.