Whole foods recipe for 2 people, takes only 25 mins; recipe has egg, passata, onion, medjool date, smoked paprika, balsamic vinegar, haricot bean, wholewheat flour, baking powder and natural yogurt.

Wholewheat flatbreads with beans & poached egg
Course: Whole foods
Prep time
10 mins
- Onion: 2 small onions, quartered
- Smoked Paprika: 3 tsp smoked paprika
- Egg: 2 eggs
- Natural Yogurt: 100g natural yogurt
- Passata: 500g carton passata
- Balsamic Vinegar: 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
- Baking Powder: 1/2 tsp baking powder
- Haricot Bean: 400g can haricot beans, drained
- Medjool Date: 1 medjool date, stoned
- Wholewheat Flour: 100g wholewheat flour
- Tip the passata into a food processor with the onions, date and paprika, and blitz until completely smooth. Heat in a medium pan, cover and simmer for 10 mins, stirring frequently, to make a thick pulpy sauce. Taste to make sure the onion is fully cooked. If not, add a splash of water and cook a little longer. Stir in the vinegar and beans, then remove from the heat.
- To make the flatbreads, tip the flour and baking powder into a bowl, then stir in the yogurt to make a soft dough. Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and lightly knead, fully incorporating any flour left in the bowl. Halve the mixture and flatten each piece to a rough oval, using your hands or a rolling pin, to a thickness of two PS1 coins. Cut slashes through the centre of the ovals a couple of times with a sharp knife, being careful not to cut through an edge.
- Heat a large, non-stick pan, add a flatbread and cook for 1 min each side until firm and slightly puffed, then repeat with the other. Meanwhile, heat a large pan of water and poach the eggs to your liking.
- Warm the beans and serve on top of each flatbread with a poached egg and some black pepper.